Friday, July 23, 2010

It's Whatever...

Love when karma kicks a deserving man in the balls, especially a liar. Ha! Take that! Hope it hurts so good because you deserve it and much, much more. You're so lucky that I haven't done anything otherwise your already broke ass would be much worse off. You'd be up to your ass in payments that it would be hard for you to get your head above water. I almost left everything I know, everything he knows for you. Almost left over your empty promises and empty professions of love. All bullsh*t. Utter bullsh*t. Just hope you're happy with all that you've caused.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Love Is A Real Bitch

Why does it seem that when you have it figured out, you really don't? I thought all I needed was someone to make me feel that passion again, someone to make me feel alive. As it turns out, he made me feel all that but could easily replace at any time. It breaks my heart to think about what he's done to me. To make me love him all over again, and then have him take it away and give it to someone else. I guess this is karma getting back at me. I've never been lucky in love. If I was, it never turned out like I wanted. Or it was the wrong person to give myself to and I'm still paying for it today.